

Listening to: Love Ain't Free by Panic and the Rebel Emergency

I am writing this post from our new laptop! I'm totally in love with it! It's pretty looking, and very nice to use. And the spacebar works much better than the old one! The screen is big and has amazing clarity and picture (much like our beautiful big screen tv!) And its lighter than the last one we had too. It's really cool because it works with our Xbox360 and has this incredible media centre.


Lots of new things lately, but I won't write it all here. Theo got a new job which he is insanely excited about (so am I) and we're going out to celebrate with friends next Friday at Social.

I am still waiting to hear about my new contract, and my mom calls me daily to see if there's any news, even though I said I would call her the second I find anything out.

We're saving to buy a house next summer, which is very exciting!

We missed each other for dinner every night this week. (Meetings, dinners with work colleagues, class, more meetings.) And tonight we're going out for dinner with Steve and Veronica - but at least we're together!

I have a lot of interesting articles to post - but here are just a few for now:
From Mother Jones:

If Chris Rock Says It, It's Funny; If Sarah Silverman Says It, It's Tasteless

Largest Student Protest of Global Warming Yet

And from Environmental Defense:

Global Warming Myths and Facts

The 2007 Global Warming Globie Awards

That's all for now friends, until next time!

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