
Officially the weirdest bus moment I can remember

From a few weeks ago -- forgot to post it!

7:30 a.m. South Keys station.

I enter the shelter at my bus stop and there is a guy at the far end. I stay near my door just simply because I was checking to see if my bus was coming. The guy at the other end YELLS something really loudly, which was very difficult to understand because he yelled so loud and there was only the two of us in the shelter so it was all echo-y. I think he yelled something about how he could see his breath because it was so cold. I nodded and turned back frantically hoping my bus was pulling up. He yells some more and I turn and just kind of reply "yeah".

Another person enters the shelter *thank goodness!* and Mr. Yell-Everything says "Oh, I should not yell anymore because he'll think I'm weird. I'll come stand next to you." Yeah, ok buddy. He then goes on to tell me all about how he got up at 5 a.m. and went to some job place that couldn't hire him because of his age.

"How old do you think I am?"
Me, not wanting to be insulting because he's acting like a five-year-old with Tourettes, "Umm…22?"
Mr. Yell-Everything: "Nope! 18 and three-quarters."

Who counts their age like that past the age of nine? Anyways, a few minutes later his bus comes, thank goodness again, because I was ready to get on the next bus regardless of whether it would take me in the direction of work or not.

He says "It was nice to meet you," and shakes my hand. I wish him good luck in his job search and he then kisses my hand and says "you won't forget me anytime soon now will you?", smirks, and heads off to the bus.

Oh, my. Weird. He didn't look strange or like he was on drugs. He just seemed very chatty and off. Harmless guy I suppose. Still, it was a very odd way to start my Monday morning!

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