
You're Gone, You're Gone, You're Gone Away

Well, she didn't get three months to say goodbye to her mom. Four days after being diagnosed with cancer my friend's mom passed away...

I've been listening to Something Corporate a lot lately...

It's a long song, but it's very much worth it: Konstantine

Another friend and I spent Saturday afternoon taking her grocery shopping, as she hadn't been in weeks. Between work, school and visits to the hospital there just wasn't time.


My how it changes it's mind.

After grocery shopping and stocking up the fridge we went through clothes we had brought for her to choose something to wear to the funeral.

Twenty-three-year-olds are not supposed to be spending their Saturday nights like that. Though I was glad to be able to do something. Anything.

It's quite a feeling of helplessness knowing that there's nothing you can say or do to calm the tide of anger, sadness, pity, that was tearing at her inside.

Her brother's six-month-old baby girl seems to be the thing that is holding everyone together in one piece (peace?). This tiny, innocent, obliviously ignorant wonder cooing and laughing was bringing smiles and warmth to everyone in that house.

The same thing yesterday. A bunch of us were all sitting around the funeral parlour, choking back tears and grief, and this little baby was laughing and making us see there is still something bright in this world.

"Did you know I miss you? Did you know I miss you? I'll always miss you."

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