

Listening to: Read My Mind by The Killers

Another great performance at the MTV awards:

Great article on The Tyee with George Stroumboulopoulos:

We’re Canadian at The Hour. But I’m the kind of Canadian who doesn’t beat you with a caribou hoof to show you how Canadian I am. I’m not that kind of Canadian.

I'm always in the process of adding links to the sidebar as well, so don't forget to check it out!

Today was a frustrating day at work, where the biggest lesson I learned is: be conservative in big business. I won't discuss the details here, but let's just say I'm not speaking fiscally.
The cold I have, which I thought was nearing its end, seems to be coming back full force into my head.... Wasn't a good Monday today.

Because I wasn't feeling so hot, I skipped out on the Third Monday PR Meetup, which I was sad to do because I was looking forward to meeting Joe Thornley and seeing the guest speaker, Jon Husband.

Instead I came home after work and curled up with the cat for a bit, ordered-in some dinner because I was missing half the ingredients to make home-made pizza, which was the original plan, watched Jeopardy and now I'm listening to The Killers new album, Sam's Town, and pretending to do homework while Theo watches football.

I'm rather tired and it's hurting to look at the computer screen, so I'll keep this short. Check out the always funny, and not-so-politically correct Sabrina Jalees (who was my favorite correspondent on this summer's CBC Sounds Like Canada hosted by Jian Gomeshi during the summer) in this video. That was a really long run-on sentence.

Alright, sorry folks, but I have to stop here. My head is too foggy and sick to go on.

1 comment:

jonhusband said...

Thanks for the mention, Laura.

I don't know what career stage you are in yet, but if you are feeling frissons of discontent from recognizing that big business is conservative and demands that people censor themslves (often a lot) to fit in ... hmm, it ain't gonna change too much going forward (speaking as a refugee after 20+ years in that environment as a consultant helping big (really big) organizations design and implement psychological handcuffs).

The good news is that there is now an interlinked interconnected digital infrastructure that I believe (but don't take it as gospel) will over time let many people find other things to do and other people to do those things with.

Best of luck ... like everyone else, you'll either decide to accept it, or begin / continue the process of finding places and initiatives that appreciate what you have to offer.

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