

Maybe I should have waited for Halloween... but I love this song:

Post of links today as I'm too tired to write about Montreal, the Run, the Sens and anything else that happened this week:

Indian Thriller -- funny vid c/o Shannon the Guy

The Delaying Game and America Remembers - Again -- great animation from Mark Fiore

This is me at the registration table for the IABC Season Opener a few weeks ago - looking silly as usual.

Perhaps this is why the folks at CEO Magazine should think again.

Another bunch of BS c/o CEO Mag

Why Jon Stewart rocks.

Everyone should sign up for Ideal Bites daily e-mail tips on
greener living.

We all know Rice was warned of 9/11 attacks to come...

I heart Matt Mays (and El Torpedo!) and this video:

I love the beginning where it's silent, but you can see everyone clapping in slow motion... totally dig the concert vibe. Check out more here: http://www.mattmays.com/music.aspx

And last but not least:
C/O MaryAnn:

New Federal Guidelines Bar Advocacy and Lobbying
by Women's Groups
October 4, 2006


Ottawa: At a meeting yesterday with women's groups, Beverley Oda, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women (SWC), informed representatives that new federal guidelines for funding will prohibit them from engaging in any advocacy or lobbying activities with federal funds. Women were also told that the federal government has no intention of reversing a 5 million dollar cut to the department's budget, despite wide-spread pressure to do so.

"The Minister's narrowing of the rules severely limits our ability to advocate for systemic change when it comes to justice, legal and other matters of concern to women in Canada," said Alia Hogben, Executive Director of the Canadian Council of the Muslim Women.

"The prohibition on advocacy or lobbying with federal dollars is undemocratic - and punitive to those with the least resources," added Edeltraud Neal of the Canadian Federation of University Women- Ottawa.

Last week, the government announced a 38.5% cut to Status of Women Canada's budget, signaling what women's groups regard as an effort to undermine some longstanding women's equality initiatives. "In the absence of a critical mass of women in either Parliament or the Cabinet, advocacy by women's groups has been a hallmark of Canada's democracy," said Neal.

Women's organizations have received federal funds over the years to analyze government policies, develop proposals that reflect the needs of women in their communities, and advocate for change.

"It is clear to us that this government is out of touch with the realities of ordinary women in Québec and Canada. Minister Oda does not appear to fully understand that systemic discrimination for women still persists, as documented by a widely respected Statistics Canada report in March 2006," remarked Michèle Asselin, President of la Fédération des femmes du Québec, the largest women's organization in Québec.

In response, women's organizations have immediately requested a meeting with Prime Minister Harper. In a written statement to FAFIA during the last federal election, the Prime Minister committed to "support women's human rights" and "take concrete and immediate measures, as recommended by the United Nations, to ensure that Canada fully upholds its commitments to women in Canada."

"Recent actions of the federal government are not consistent with this commitment," said Bonnie Diamond of the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA). "We would like Mr. Harper to be accountable to women."

Yesterday's meeting with the Minister included representatives from the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Canadian Federation of University Women, Canadian Research Institute of the Advancement of Women, FAFIA, Fédération des femmes du Québec, National Association of Women and the Law, National Council of Women, and the National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women.

For further information, contact 613-232-9505, x222 or 613-292-7941 (cell). www.fafia-afai.org

If you have any comments, consider emailing the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women, Bev Oda: Oda.B@parl.gc.ca. After all, if the organized women of Canada can no longer advocate on behalf of women's issues with federal funding (which, let's face it, is a significant component of funding for many groups), then it's up to everyone else to speak up :o)

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