

Listening to: Last Train Home by the Lost Prophets

Alright, time for an update. Since I last wrote, a lot has been happening. Theo
and I went to a kick-ass corn roast at Richard and Renee's place in Cumberland. Lots of people camped out over night on their 8 acre lot, but we went home late instead. There were tons of people from Kapuskasing and Moonbeam, a massive bonfire and the best corn I've ever had. There was a
band playing and music all day/night. Oh, and a lot of alcohol. And the requisite mullet.
It was so relaxed and fun, the weather was great, the fire was awesome, the food, the people. Good times!

I've been working on lots of stuff for the run this week, as next Thursday and Friday (September 7 and 8), we're "pinking" out Sparks St. Sparks will be decorated in pink ribbons and banners, merchants along Sparks will be holding promotions, fundraisers and decorating their windows. My job has been to organize much of it, talking to the various merchants, working with the communications and volunteer teams to have tables, raffles, decorations etc… It's been a lot of work, but I hope it will pay off. There is also the
Second Cup day on September 14 th where some of the proceeds from sales will go to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. September 16th if you're in Orleans come see the Nygard/Running Room Fashion Show at 1pm at Place D'Orleans. We're also working on BBQ's around the city the weekends after that….

If you haven't sponsored me yet – please do! Every little bit helps! :)

I went to have the always yummy dessert at Moxie's with Christine. Just look at the description for the Mocha Khalua Cheesecake: Bavarian cream, Khalua, Philidelphia cream cheese and rich dark chocolate folded together to create the ultimate cheesecake/ Topped with white chocolate shavings and warm chocolate sauce. I have already decided what I'm going to have when I go there for my (belated) birthday dinner. The warm mosaic dip for an app, the steak for dinner, and the Khalus cheesecake for dessert if there's room. Oh, I'm hungry already!!

I went to see An Inconvenient Truth (for the second time) with a friend from school whom I hadn't seen since 3 rd year! (Despite the fact that we've been working next door to each other since February!) For those of you who haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth – you should. It dispels the myth that global warming is a theory, it shows you the easy things you can do to change little things bit by bit that have a huge impact on our environment. www.climatecrisis.net

Last night Dan, Teresa, Theo and I went to see Who Killed the Electric Car? It was another documentary to hit hard. It makes you really think about how the choices we make have a big impact, and that the big companies, gas, oil, car companies and the governments can really put a damper on things. I also think that people need to take more responsibility for their choices and take the extra time to go research the car they're buying, or take public transportation or car pool or other methods as much as possible. There are people, such as those at Plug-in America, who are trying to do good things and help everyone realize we need to change our consumer habits.

Today I went down to Sparks again for more organizing, tonight I'm going to take it easy, maybe finally watch Crash… and tomorrow we go buy curtains!

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