

Listening to: It's a Kinda Magic by Queen

Has anyone seen Theo's brown dress shoes? He thinks he left them in the hotel in Toronto....


In other news, I'm already pretty close to reaching my goal of 150$ for the CIBC Run for the Cure. If you want to help me out please donate here.

I have been volunteering on both the run and communications committees since May, and I've met some incredible people and learned quite a lot. For example, Parliament is insanely difficult to secure as the starting point with all of their security demands and regulations. It's now been moved to Major's Hill Park because of the complications. Also, the communications committee is trying to plan events for Think Pink week in September (Second Cup is donating some profits on Thursday, September14th, we're having a Breast Cancer Survivor fashion show at Place D'Orleans on Saturday, September 16th at 1:00pm, I am working with the area colleges and universities to promote the run to new students during orientation week, we're working on an event for Sparks St... lots!)

Because I will be busy helping in those aspects I won't actually be running the day of the run (Sunday, October 1st) but I am still raising money for the cause with the work team, who's target is $12, 000! I am also helping to solicit prizes for fund raising there.

In other news, I got a six-month contract! I am now an independent contractor (read: I have to figure out a new way of doing taxes now that I'm invoicing, billing, charging taxes and other complicated forms and paperwork I'm sure!) and no longer an intern. Yay me! Pay raise too ;) The first thing I'm going to buy is this! Ok, maybe I'll pay the rent first.

Alright folks, Rockstar is on soon, so I'm signing off. My money is on Patrice leaving this week. And I can't wait to see what Lukas does. (One of my fave songs Lukas did was the excellent Coldplay song from the Garden State soundtrack - Don't Panic. Is it weird I think a guy in that much makeup is cute?)

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