

It's been another hectic week. Habitat meeting Monday night, came home and had dinner at 9 p.m. watched some more of season four of The West Wing and went to bed. Tuesday night had class, wrote a PSA on Habitat for Humanity's ReStore Holiday Sale, came home, watched Studio 60 and went to bed.

We've been catching up on West Wing a lot this week and are currently on season five. It's such a smart show -- we love it!

Last night we went to see Apocalypto - which was bloody as all get out, but decent.

Today is Sunday, aka, football day. Bruce, Theo and I went out to breakfast at our usual diggs and now the boys are in the other room watching the game. Trying out a new recipe for dinner tonight.

Lots of e-mailing and catching up to do today, so today's post is short.

Promise to have more later.

In the mean time: new Mark Fiore animation for all the enjoy.

First Christmas party pic of the year!

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