

Listening to: Girl I Wanna Lay You Down by Jack Johnson and Zach Gill

Ok, I will update on Toronto weekend in my next post when I have more time to write... but for now.

After having my dentist appointment being rescheduled 4 times I finally got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out today. I was really nervous for the procedure (I've never really had anything major done before) and not so much the aftermath (which I imagine is supposed to be the worst part) but it went smoothly. It took only about a half an hour (the longest part was waiting for the freezing to kick in) and only two of the eight needles for freezing kind of hurt.

I felt like my face was the size of a balloon afterwards, but after the freezing wore off I was good. It was a little sore so I took an E-Z Tab Tylenol and as of 8:30 pm I forgot that I'd even had it done!

I ate ice cream and Kraft Dinner and Theo bought me chocolate milk to drink.

Man, I'm so tough! :P

Also -- yesterday I participated in Habitat For Humanity's build in Nepean (I will link to the pictures when they are up) with some folks from Cognos. It was hard work, but very satisfying. In the morning Carol and I helped clean up the outside areas around the house and moved some lumber and siding to make room for the deck lumber that was coming in later that day. When that arrived we moved that from the front of the house where the truck dropped it off to the backyard.

After lunch Carol, Susan and I laid some flooring. This is about when Carol decided to share her wisdom with us -- "Laying flooring is like a husband -- lay it right the first time and you can walk all over it for the rest of your life!" This was hard work because we were bending and hunched over or kneeling a lot, but we did a great job!

Carol even worked so hard the soles of her boots fell apart! So, what else do you do when on a construction site and your work boots fall apart? DUCT TAPE!!

More on tha T DOT latah!!

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