
From 0 - 10 in 125 Days

Stealing Happy Hours Blog: What? Who is this and what have you done with Laura?

Me: I am Laura!

SHHB: No - Laura never blogs (here) anymore and she certainly would never run!

Me: Well, it's 2010. Why not make some changes?

That's right. January 18, 2010. Take note.

Wait....maybe I should back up a bit here. See, Laurie and I were heading for coffee to catch up yesterday (as if we hadn't seen each other since before Christmas!) and chat about the second annual V-Day in the Capital (stay in the loop here: www.hopeangercourage.com - see I have been blogging!) and somehow I left the coffee shop with plans for a new haircut, a trip to Vegas and had somehow signed myself up to run the 10K with her at the Ottawa Race Weekend in May.

Yeah, screw walking, or running the 5K. Let's skip that step! Forget the fact that I don't run. Never have. In fact I quit soccer after the first practice when Laurie convinced me to sign up (hmmm...there's that Laurie again!) when I realized it involved so much running.

Ok. So, Laurie's blogged about it here. Cat's out of the bag. I can't back out now. So I guess I'll have to start training.

So, for those of you at home keeping count, that's in 125 days (actually 124 from today, but from the day I decided...)

Plan for first bit (I'll figure out later how long that is):
  • Continue Zumba on Tuesdays (good cardio)

  • Continue Yoga on Thursdays (good meditation, toning, strength, stretching)
  • EA Active on the Wii (it's fun and got some good overall workouts and cardio in it, and running my Mii through a park :) ) 

  • Bike to work (when weather gets nicer)
  • Practice interval training (when weather gets nicer)
  • Perhaps join a running clinic as we get closer...
  • Depend on Laurie and others for LOTS of advice!
  • Any of you reading who have tips for a beginner (and I mean beginner!!) please comment or send me an email :)


Lola said...

YAY!!! It's going to be an awesome experience :-) And just think you'll have 10 whole kms to tell me how much you don't like running :-P

Stephie Mac said...

You're going to be GREAT, bella! I'll be at the finish line cheering you both on, k?

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