
On Packing

Packing for The Big Move began a little over a month ago...but didn't really kick into high gear until the last two weeks. First came the books. We have two overflowing book shelves, and they took up no less than ten 2 cubic feet sized boxes.

Pretty much everything is packed up now... but the big thing left are the dishes. Yes, those in the cupboards....but more so the ones in the sink. I used to like doing dishes by hand. It was soothing and quiet and didn't take very long. Now I hate it. I like to say it's because it's greener to do dishes with the washer, but really I think it's just because it means being in my small, dark, music-less, window-less kitchen.

So. I've been avoiding those dishes until the very last minute where I'll have to wash and pack them. I'm actually considering packing them dirty and then just throwing them in the dishwasher at the new house. Would that be so wrong?

I'm avoiding doing dishes so badly, in fact, that I just spent the last hour packing and cleaning up the bathroom. Including o-mop-ing the floor behind the toilet where water had dripped for gosh-knows-how-long before we finally noticed and is now stained with rust coloured cirlces of dried water.

Maybe I'll just hire a maid for the new house to solve all my cleaning problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute cat

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