
An Open Letter to Paris Hilton from Skip Church

An open letter to Paris Hilton, from Skip Church.

Dear Paris,

I saw you cry the other day. and that hurts me... from the inside. Please don't cry.

Paris, I still love you. I have always believed in you. When people say you're stupid, I ask them 'compared to whom?' When people tell me you're 'spoiled, I ask them 'have you smelt her beautiful perfume?' When people tell me you're a 'b*****,' I tell them 'that was Tinkerbell. her Chihuahua.'

You're nothing like what they say. You're caring, beautiful, and a wonderful singer. I've downloaded your whole album off the net for free when it first came out. just thinking of that moment gives me the goose bumps.

Paris, I offer this to you. I will take care of you. You need someone right now that will support your 'habits.' You need love, and more importantly you need a hug. I want to be your lawyer. and I offer this service at no charge. Just say the word.


Skip Church

p.s. I'll send a limo over. because driving yourself may be a bad idea.

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